Cat Spay and Neuter

Cats often experience irritation or distress when they are in heat, but spaying and neutering can leave your pet feeling calm and content.

a women petting a cat

Cat Spay and Neuter

Spaying or neutering your pet provides a variety of health benefits. That is why our veterinarians at A Cat Hospital strongly recommend that you have your pet spayed or neutered. If you’re looking for a Las Vegas veterinarian, bring your pet to our Henderson office so that it can get the quality veterinary care it needs.

Why You Should Have Your Cat Spayed or Neutered
Unspayed female cats have a high likelihood of mammary cancer if not spayed young. The sooner she gets spayed, the better. For male cats, neutering offers similar benefits. It can reduce the risk of prostate issues and completely prevent testicular cancer.

In addition to health benefits, spaying and neutering can prevent behavior issues in pets. After you schedule a spay or neuter session for your cat, it will be less likely to engage in aggressive behaviors or mark its territory. Cats often experience irritation or distress when they are in heat, but spaying and neutering can leave your pet feeling calm and content. Neutered male cats also have much better behavior in that neutering helps stop the very strong, pungent urine odor of a male cat, along with reducing spraying.

When Should Your Cat Be Spayed or Neutered?
In most cases, it’s safe for a cat to be spayed or neutered from eight weeks onward. While you don’t have to schedule a session immediately, it’s recommended to have your pet go through this process before it reaches five months of age. If your female cat is in heat, it’s still possible for you to have her spayed.

What To Expect
While spaying or neutering are common surgical procedures, you may not know what to expect after surgery. Since your pet will be medicated for the procedure, they may be groggy until the medication wears off. Your cat’s food and water intake should be monitored after you bring it home.

Your vet may recommend certain restrictions while your pet heals from the procedure. For example, we may ask that you take steps to keep your cat from licking the surgical area or avoid bathing and swimming.

Schedule a Spay or Neuter Session with Our Veterinarians 
If your pet hasn’t been spayed or neutered, now is the perfect time for you to book an appointment. Bring your cat to A Cat Hospital in Henderson for treatment. Call our team today at (702) 454-4400 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.